Prize for the best scientific work of the year in sports traumatology. SETRADE Congress. Spanish Society of Sports Traumatology. Use of Progen (oral PRP) in ACL ligamentoplasty. Multicentric clinical trial.


Prize for the best scientific work of the year in sports physiotherapy. SETRADE Congress. Spanish Society of Sports Traumatology. Prospective randomized study on the acute effect of posterior deltoid stretching on the glenohumeral internal rotation deficit.


Prize for the best research work of the Andalusian Society of Neurophysiology. 2015. Suprascapular nerve injury in elite tennis players.


Award for the best clinical case of SETRADE of the 51st SECOT Congress. Bilateral popliteal artery entrapment syndrome in elite athletes. 51st SECOT Congress. October 10, 2014. Oral communication.


Prize for the best research work of the Spanish Society of Traumatology. SECOT 2014. The shoulder syndrome of the elite tennis player.


Rafa Canosa Award for the best article published in a high impact magazine of the Spanish Arthroscopy Association. AEA 2014. Suprascapular nerve entrapment in elite swimmers. Arthroscopic treatment.


SECOT Hispanic-Chilean Travel Scholarship Award. Las Condes Clinic, German Clinic, MEDS Clinic and SSMM football teams


Prize for the best research work of the Andalusian Society of Sports Medicine. SAMEDE. 2013. Use of arthromotor in anterior cruciate ligamentoplasty. Clinical trial.


Special solidarity award: Introduction of arthroscopic surgery in Cambodia in three phases, within a development cooperation project. National Congress of Arthroscopy. AEA Valencia.


Prize for the best research work: SLAP Type II: acquired lesion or anatomical variant?. National Congress of Arthroscopy. AEA Tenerife


Traveling Fellowship Award from the American Arthroscopy Association (AANA) 5 weeks visiting the best arthroscopy centers in North America.


Scholarship Award from the Caja Madrid Foundation (awarded by the princes of Asturias) for training in Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology at the University of Ottawa.


Second prize for the best research paper presented at the Iberian Biomechanics congress. Madrid.


Prize for the best training specialist at the Virgen de Valme University Hospital in Seville.


Scholarship of the Spanish Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology for the Basic Course Fundación SECOT. Pathology of the knee.


Research Fellowship Award from the Spanish Arthroscopy Association for work: Anchors for the repair of the rotator cuff: the effect of drilling vs perforation before anchoring.


Albert B. Ferguson, Jr., M.D. Award in Sports Medicine Engineering (Biceps Tenodesis). Orthopedic Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation. University of Pittsburgh Medical Centers (UPMC).


Scholarship for overseas travel of the Spanish Society of Traumatology and Orthopedics SECOT to visit the Medical Centers of the University of Pittsburgh. Department of Sports Traumatology.


Scholarship of the Spanish Arthroscopy Association for the basic course of knee arthroscopy. Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona.


Beca de la Asociación Española de Artroscopia para el curso básico de artroscopia de rodilla . Departamento de Anatomía y Embriología Humana de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona.
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