Legal warning

This Website has been created exclusively by ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic, owned by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor in order to offer patients, professionals and users who access the different services it houses.

The use and access to the contents of this Website implies the knowledge and acceptance of these general conditions that aim to inform users of the rights, uses, prohibitions and responsibilities that apply when navigating the website owned by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor.


These general conditions regulate the access, navigation and use of the ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic Website, located at the following URL: https://traumatologiadeportiva.com. In the same way, the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents are regulated – texts, graphics, drawings, designs, photographs, software, codes, videos, music, databases, images, information as well as any other creation protected by national law international treaties on intellectual and industrial property- and the particular conditions that govern the different services that ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic makes available to users, patients and professionals through its Website.

This web page is exclusively aimed at persons of legal age, having enabled two specialized sections for clinic patients and medical professionals.


The traumatologiadeportiva.com domain name is owned by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor, whose registered office is located at Arjona 10, ground floor 5 y 6, Seville, and with CIF 05287678R.


ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic informs about the different means of communication, through which you, as a user, patient and/or professional, can get in touch to send us any suggestion, question or any other circumstances that you deem appropriate.

Telephone: +34 955 11 96 27
Email: [email protected]
Postal Mail: ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic
Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor
C / Arjona 10, Local 5 and 6 – C.P. 41001 – SEVILLA


Use of the Website and Services.

The navigation and use of the Website as well as the majority of the services contained therein is completely free of charge, complying expressly and without any reservations, the general conditions, permanently updated under the link “Legal Notice”.

Services whose use and contracting are regulated under their own specific conditions must be accepted by the user, patient and/or professional, expressly and unconditionally, at the same time in which they use or contract thereof.

ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic has arranged for certain services the collection of personal data of users, patients and/or professionals who access them, the general and specific clause governing the Privacy Policy being applicable.


Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic is a trade name so registered with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, owned by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor and, therefore, may be disclosed to its users, patients and/or professionals through the business name, as stated in the Commercial Register. Likewise, Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor is in the possession of the corresponding usage license on the rights of exploitation of intellectual and industrial property of the Website, as well as of the contents available through it.

In no case shall it be understood that allowing users, patients and/or professionals to access the Website implies a waiver, transmission, license or assignment, wholly or partly, of said rights, by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor.

It is expressly forbidden to delete, circumvent or manipulate any identification data of the rights of ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic or its owners incorporated into the contents, as well as technical protection devices, fingerprints or any information and/or identification mechanisms that are incorporated into the contents.

Likewise, it is prohibited to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, communicate publicly, make second or subsequent publications, upload files, send by mail, transmit, use, treat or distribute in any way all or part of the contents included in This Website for public or commercial purposes if you do not have the express and written authorization of Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor or, where appropriate, the right holder.

The domain, owned by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor, may not be used, in connection with other content, products or services that are not owned by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor, when they may cause confusion among end users or discredit of ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic.

Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor reserves the right to use the domain or denomination traumatologiadeportiva.com in the commercial field in which ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic performs its activities and related fields. Similarly, Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor reserves the right to prevent the use of domains derived therefrom that, due to their similarity, may lead to error or confusion about the signs, denominations or business origin of the services.


ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic is not responsible for the following actions:

  • The misuse you may make of the Website.
  • The continuity of the contents of the Website.
  • The absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on the Website or on the server that supplies them, both in terms of viewing the contents by users and downloading them.
  • The contents and services provided by other Web Pages that can be accessed from the Internet addresses owned by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor.
  • The invulnerability of this Website, or the software used, distributed or obtained from it.
  • The greater or lesser performance of the content hosted on this Website.
  • The damages that any person will cause, either to himself or to third parties, that violates the conditions, norms and instructions that ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic establishes on the Website.
  • The damages caused by the violation of the security systems of the Website owned by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor.
  • The malfunction of software or plug-ins –a download that could be made from the link established for that purpose – necessary for viewing and listening to certain content hosted on this Website.

Personal data protection

ISMEC guarantees full adaptation in terms of privacy to the European Data Protection Regulation and to the applicable state regulations that regulate the aforementioned directives. In this regard, the entity is diligent regarding the principles of quality, transparency, legality, conservation, minimization and security of the processing of personal data. Likewise, the purpose of this clause is to make this clause available to users so that, at all times, they can freely, voluntarily and informedly decide whether they wish to provide the personal data that may be requested.

ISMEC informs that it is the owner of the treatment activities in which personal information is collected, being collected and arranged internally through the so-called Treatment Activities Registry, recognizing at all times the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, opposition, forgettance, deletion, limitation and portability. In the same way, you can withdraw the consent granted through individualized communication by email sent to [email protected], indicating DATA PROTECTION as subject matter.

Similarly, with ISMEC being subject to the appointment of a data protection delegate, we have carried out such designation and notification before the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, making available a contact email to address for any issue, doubt or claim regarding data protection [email protected].

With respect to the communication of data, ISMEC contemplates those necessary for the provision of services (in charge of treatment) necessary in the legitimate interest of the entity with the sole purpose of being able to manage the services it provides, as well as those data communications covered in a legal obligation.

ISMEC may send you electronic communications in legitimate interest with the purpose of being able to inform you of new developments affecting the entity or in relation to the services it may provide. In any case, you will be offered the possibility to withdraw from the reception, except for those communications that are necessary under the existing relationship. In accordance with the provisions on data protection, ISMEC guarantees full adaptation of the Website and all the services provided through it to the new European Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 and Spanish regulations applicable in the field of data protection, as well as any international, state or regional directives that regulate the matter, having written for this purpose a specific legal text “Privacy Policy” which you can access at any time of navigation.


Medical information

This Website contains general medical information, for informational purposes only. In any case, for the diagnosis of any health-related problem, personalized consultation with a specialist doctor is essential.

Code of Ethics

ISMEC International Sport Medicine Clinic, a medical center specializing in traumatology, rehabilitation and physiotherapy, adheres to the deontological code of the Official College of Physicians of Seville. If you wish to view it, click on the following link: Code of Ethics.


Duration and Modification

These General Conditions are valid for the duration of their presentation. In this manner, Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor advises that, every time users, patients and/or professionals access the Website, they read them carefully.

Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor reserves the right to unilateral modification of the general conditions at any time, wholly or partly. The modification will take effect from its publication on the Website, more specifically, from its insertion in the link “Legal Notice”.



Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor may choose to interrupt, suspend or unilaterally terminate access to the contents of the Website, regardless of the provisions of these conditions and the particular conditions governing the provision of different services. These situations will not alter the validity of the prohibitions of use of the contents exposed throughout this clause.

Likewise, Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor will take the appropriate measures so that, to the extent possible, he will notify users of said circumstances – suspension, interruption or termination of access to the contents.


Nullity and Inefficiency

If there is a discrepancy between the provisions of these general conditions and the particular conditions of each specific service, the provisions of the latter will prevail.

In the event that any provision or provisions of these general conditions were considered void or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any court, tribunal or competent administrative body, such nullity or non-application shall not affect the rest of the General Conditions or the particular conditions of the different services of the Website.

The non-exercise or execution, by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero Tejedor, of any right or provision contained in these general conditions will not constitute a waiver thereof, unless there is acknowledgment and written agreement on his part.


Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

All conditions inserted in the Website, both general and specific, are governed by Spanish regulations. All the conflicts, controversies or situations derived from the general and particular conditions will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of Seville, with the parties expressly renouncing their jurisdiction.




Superspecialist in Sports Traumatology


Superspecialist in Arthroscopic Surgery


Superspecialist in shoulder and elbow


Official titles from the USA and Canada


Consultant of world and Olympic champions


Centre specialized in sport traumatology, founded and managed by Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero. If you’d like to schedule an appointment or ask any question, do not hesitate to contact us.


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