The Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Seville (RAMSE)  has held a solemn session: the reception of three new Corresponding Academics. They are doctors Dr. D. Emilio López Vidriero specialist in Traumatology;  Dr. D. Julio Sánchez Román,  specialist in Internal Medicine and  Dr. D. Manuel Rodríguez Navarro,  specialist in Hospital ManagementThe inauguration ceremony took place in the Ramón y Cajal Room of the RAMSE headquarters . 

The session, in which all health security measures were respected , was chaired by the president of the RAMSE, Dr. Jesús Castiñeiras Fernández, who on this occasion was accompanied by Doña Esther Cruces Blanco, general director of the Archivo de Indias de Sevilla and Mr. Benito Valdés Castrillón, President of the Institute of Academies of Andalusia.

For  Dr. D. Emilio López Vidriero,  the first to receive the academic medal and the accrediting diploma from the RAMSE, entering this learned house is «an honor and at the same time a great responsibility», taking into account his age, since it is one of the youngest of the Academy. “I am especially proud to be able to belong to an institution that values ​​innovation, scientific dedication and professional dedication. And I am very excited to learn from the experience and knowledge of other academics. I am sure that belonging to a group with so much talent will make me a better doctor and a better person ”, clarifies the new corresponding academic.

López Vidriero explains that what he most admires about RAMSE are its origins and its history, being the oldest medical society in Europe. Also, «its Renaissance philosophy and with a critical sense that makes its members contribute value in a holistic and constructive way for a better society, not only medical but human due to its progressive and in fact revolutionary values».

Dr. López Vidriero, Surgeon specialized in Sports Traumatology, is Medical Director and Founder of the International Sports Medicine Clinic of Seville (ISMEC). In addition, he is an official consultant for the Master 1000 Open Mutual Tennis at the Caja Mágica in Madrid, as well as professional soccer teams from the Spanish League, English Premier League, Italian Serie A and other teams from South America and North America. Vidriero is also a consultant for multiple athletes and Olympic teams, including Mireia Belmonte, considered the best Spanish athlete of all time. He is also a Fellow in Arthroscopy by the Arthroscopy Association of North America, a Fellow in Sports Medicine by the Hospital and University of Ottawa (Canada) and a Fellow in Upper Extremity by the Hospital and University of Ottawa (Canada).

El Dr. D. Julio Sánchez Román, especialista en Medicina Interna, otro de los nuevos Académicos Correspondientes, asegura que siente un “gran honor de ser acogido por una institución cargada de historia, la Academia de Medicina más antigua de Europa, con 320 años de antigüedad, de la que han formado parte tantas figuras eminentes de la Medicina sevillana”. Y Añade que “el mantenimiento, a lo largo de más de tres siglos, del espíritu que guió a sus fundadores en la defensa del bien hacer de la Medicina tanto en lo que atañe a impulsar el progreso de los conocimientos científicos como en el mantenimiento de los principios éticos de nuestra profesión” es lo que más admira Román de esta institución.

Julio Sánchez Román is a Doctor in Internal Medicine with an Extraordinary Degree Award and Seville City Council Award for postgraduates. Dr. Román is a specialist and former Head of the Internal Medicine Section, founder / coordinator of the Autoimmune Diseases Unit (since 1980) and Pulmonary Hypertension of the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville. In addition, he is coordinator of the CTS-279 Research Group and Associate Professor of Medical Pathology (University of Seville). Throughout his career, he has directed more than twenty Doctoral Theses. He is a member by opposition of the Municipal Charity Corps, Founding Partner, former President and current Secretary of the Andalusian Association of Autoimmune Diseases (AADEA). He is also a Corresponding Member of the Royal Academies of Medicine of Cádiz.

Por último, el Dr. D. Manuel Rodríguez Navarro, Licenciado en Medicina y Doctor en Medicina por la Universidad de Sevilla, es también Graduado en Estudios Superiores de Administración y Dirección de Empresas Sanitarias por la Universidad de Minnesota (EEUU). Actualmente es el Subdirector Territorial de Operaciones de Quirónsalud en Andalucía. En los últimos 30 años ha desempeñado diferentes puestos de dirección de Hospitales en Centros Sanitarios públicos y privados.

Para Rodríguez, ingresar en la RAMSE es “el honor más inesperado que ha tenido en mi vida. Es una satisfacción haber sido propuesto por maestros que he tenido durante mi formación como médico y que son un referente en mi desempeño. Espero estar a la altura de la confianza que la institución ha demostrado en mí”, señala en nuevo Académico Correspondiente.

As a closing ceremony,  Dr. Castiñeiras, president of the RAMSE , made a presentation of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Seville, making a journey from its beginnings to the present day: Beginning with the Veneranda Tertulia Hispalense (from 1693 to 1700 ), the Royal Society of Medicine and other Sciences (from 1700 to 1830) to end the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Seville (from 1830 to the present). He continued his speech by analyzing the portraits of the Bourbon dynasty that adorn the Ramón y Cajal room at the headquarters and delving into the values ​​of this regal Institution, which claims to be the oldest in Europe.


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Super-Especialista en Traumatología Deportiva


Super-Especialista en Cirugía Artroscópica


Super-Especialista en Hombro y Codo


Títulos oficiales de EEUU y Canadá


Consultor de campeones del mundo y olímpicos


Centro especializado en traumatología deportiva fundado y dirigido por el Dr. Emilio López-Vidriero. Para pedir cita o realizar cualquier consulta no dude en contactar con nosotros.


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